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Retailers, Grocery Buyers, Bakers, Chefs and the General Public

You have just arrived at the primary source for
fair trade and organic chocolate! You may be asking:

Why Should I Purchase Organic,
Fair Trade-certified™ Chocolate?

Fair Trade-certified™

1. Promotes biodiversity
2. Sustainable practices
3. Elimination of exposure of children
to nasty chemicals normally used
on cocoa
4. No fumigants used during export.

5. Fairer prices for the
6. More of the farmers’ children
go to school
7. Gender equality
8. Diversification to promote economic health.
9. No child slavery.

     Our 65% Chocolate scored highest in the SF Chronicle Blind Tasting!
You have just read ten reasons why
Sweet Earth Organic Chocolate
   is a delicious way to help the earth and the people who depend on it.

We use O-Cha.com Green Tea & Matcha


Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates - San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: Fax: Email:
Online Take Out Ordering By OnlineMenuOrdering.com.